Refugeless - Sin Refugio

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Finished 07 / 05 / 2017
€ 9.431
€ 8.670
€ 14.940
96 Backers
  • Contributing € 5

    Eternal gratitude

    Thank you so much from the organizers.

    > 13 Backers
  • Contributing € 15

    Acknowledgement in the credits

    Appearance in the documentary credits plus the eternal thanks from our hearts.

    > 16 Backers
  • Contributing € 25

    Unpublished material

    Recordings, full interviews, etc. plus all of above.

    > 09 Backers
  • Contributing € 30

    Documentary before the premiere

    Visualization of the documentary before the premiere by sending the link, available only for 5 days, plus acknowledgement in the credits and eternal gratitude.

    > 09 Backers
  • Contributing € 35

    Personal interview on Skype

    Personal interview on Skype with the directors of the project at any moment during the realization of the project plus all of above.

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing € 40

    Documentary poster

    The documentary poster plus visualization before the premiere by sending the link, available during only for 5 days, plus unpublished material, plus acknowledgment in the credits and gratitude from our hearts.

    > 03 Backers
  • Contributing € 40

    3 photographs A5 size

    3 photographs in A5 size of "La Caja Márner" project plus visualization before the premiere by sending the link, available only for 5 days, plus unpublished material, plus acknowledgment in the credits and gratitude from our hearts.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing € 50

    Refugeless T-shirt

    Refugeless T-shirt plus visualization before the premiere by sending the link, available only for 5 days, plus unpublished material, plus acknowledgment in the credits and gratitude from our hearts.

    > 12 Backers
  • Contributing € 80

    Original photograph of the exhibition

    Original photograph of the exhibition in A3 size plus visualization before the premiere by sending the link, available only for 5 days, plus unpublished material plus acknowledgement in the credits and gratitude from our hearts.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing € 100

    Refugeless T-shirt, 2 bookmarks, 3 photographs in A5 size and poster

    Refugeless T-shirt, 2 bookmarks, 3 photographs in A5 size and poster plus visualization before the premiere by sending the link, available only for 5 days, plus unpublished material, plus acknowledgement in the credits and gratitude from our hearts.

    > 05 Backers
  • Contributing € 200

    Photo book

    Photo book of "La Caja Márner" project plus visualization before the premiere by sending the link, available only for 5 days, plus unpublished material plus acknowledgement in the credits and gratitude from our hearts.

    > 03 Backers
  • Contributing € 300

    Photo book, T-shirt, 2 bookmarks, 3 photographs and poster

    Photo book, T-shirt, 2 bookmarks, 3 photographs and poster plus visualization before the premiere by sending the link, available only for 5 days, plus unpublished material, plus acknowledgement in the credits and gratitude from our hearts.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing € 600

    5 unpublished photographs A3 size

    5 unpublished photographs in foam core board and A3 size with the explanation of the context of each one, plus interview on Skype with the photographer, plus T-shirt, plus photo book, plus visualization before the premiere by sending the link, available only for 5 days, plus unpublished material, plus acknowledgment in the credits and gratitude from our hearts.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing € 1.500


    Addressed to NGOs or associations, whose logo or corporative image will be projected in the documentary, as well as in events.

    > 01 Backers
After a few weeks campaigning in Goteo, this is what we have been telling you (click here).

¡A por el óptimo!

¿Y a partir de ahora qué?

Conseguido el presupuesto mínimo nos aseguramos la cantidad suficiente para llevar a cabo este proyecto, pero creemos que podemos hacerlo mejor. Todavía quedan 37 días de crowdfunding...
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A million thanks to everyone! We keep crowdfunding in a 2nd round to achieve our optimum goal!

¡Objetivo mínimo conseguido!

Tras 26 eventos por Zaragoza, Madrid, País Vasco, Valencia, Teruel, Barcelona y Girona, 3500 km en coche, unas 1500 personas alcanzadas, 81 cofinanciadores en y otros muchos en cada uno de los eventos... hemos conseguido...

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Among all of us it's possible! Thank you for helping us achieve it with Goteo!
Excitement! 3 last days left to donate in Goteo. See who already did it (click here).
This is almost done! All-or-nothing but still reachable!
7 days left and we haven't achieved our minimum goal, ouch! Key time to donate now.
We have received a donation of €500 in the campaign, thank you!
More than half of the way walked. Our goal is getting closer!

¡¡Hotz Zarautz patrocinador!!

Ayer nos acostamos con una buenísima noticia que nos ha cargado las pilas al 100% para continuar la carrera hasta el final: la asociación HOTZ ZARAUTZ ha decidido patrocinar nuestro proyecto y documental tras hacer una donacion de 1500 euros...

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Wow! A donation of €1,000 to our campaign in Goteo, many thanks!
After 20 days campaigning in Goteo, it is time to remind you what we're looking for.

¿Todavía no has estado en ninguna de nuestras charlas?

Como much@s ya sabéis, este pasado mes de febrero y hasta mediados de marzo Refugeless está de ruta por España. Nos movemos de ciudad en ciudad dando charlas y montando exposiciones con la intención de contar nuestra experiencia como voluntarios...

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20% of our funding goal is over! great!
It's been a week since we're campaigning in Goteo. Do you know who's our target?
After setting sail, we look for boaters! Clic here and learn about our campaign goals.

¡Refugeless en camino!

La cuenta atrás llegó a 0 al comenzar febrero, EN MARCHA. Empezamos con mucha fuerza. 

Aquí os dejamos todos nuestros eventos de febrero y marzo, en los que daremos visibilidad a la situación en Grecia...
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Would you like to know more about our campaign? Here we go
First few donations, thanks! :)
This campaign kicks off!