Conservación del Aguilucho cenizo en la Janda

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Finished 16 / 07 / 2017
£ 2,194
£ 674
£ 3,452
46 Backers
  • Contributing £ 8


    Reconocimiento personal en redes sociales y en el informe final del proyecto

    > 06 Backers
  • Contributing £ 17


    Pegatina de la Asociación, reconocimiento personal en redes sociales y en el informe final del proyecto

    > 08 Backers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Una camiseta de la campaña de salvamento del aguilucho cenizo en la Janda 2017

    Se entregará una camiseta como reconocimiento a la implicación, así como reconocimiento personal en redes sociales y en el informe final del proyecto

    > 16 Backers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Foto enmarcada original de la especie de un fotógrafo de la naturaleza

    Se entregará una fotografía dedicada. El reconocimiento se hará a través del apadrinamiento individual de un nido concreto o pollo, se harán publicaciones personalizadas.

    > 08 Backers

About this project

Help save Montagu’s harriers.

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
compra de cereal en pie para realizar el salvamento de la especie
Se trata de respetar los lugares de nidificación, para ello se le paga al propietario una compensación económica que evite la perdida de dinero que le acarrea el no segar estas parcelas
£ 674
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Campaña de divulgación a la población local
Se realizarán charlas divulgativas tanto con agricultores, cosechadores como con los escolares de la zona. Se realizaran materiales para divulgar la actividad,
£ 253
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
arrendamiento parcela creación reserva
Con la idea de que a largo plazo puedan volar pollos se plantea la posibilidad de arrendar una parcela de secano de unas 20 hectáreas para gestionar de forma sostenible y con manejo adecuado para la cría del aguilucho cenizo
£ 2,526
Total £ 674 £ 3,452

General information

Montagu’s harriers breed on agricultural land but intensive farming is pushing the species survival to the limit. The lack of support from the public sector is forcing people passionate about nature to take action for this bird of prey. Our aim is to collect information on the local Montagu’s harrier population that breed in la Janda and propose conservation measures to ensure fledglings are successful. Early crop harvesting and predation are the main threats for these ground-nesting birds so purchasing the harvesting rights is the most suitable alternative. Exceptionally, some birds must be taken from nests that are under risk and released at a save and monitored site.

Description of the project. Main features, strengths and differentials.

Our project is different to any other Montagu’s harrier conservation project because our birds breeding conditions are different. Our Montagu’s harriers are the southernmost European breeding population and have to battle against the early crop harvesting. For that reason, they need a stronger and earlier support.


Why this is important

Our goal is to educate in conservation and use conservation to achieve the social and economic development of local people. This funding campaign is aimed at any person with an interest in nature and bird conservation.


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The project aim is to obtain funds which will be used to purchase the harvesting rights on a crop field, to carry out an environmental education campaign to support the bird release programme and to sign a long-term rent agreement on a suitable plot for the species. Overall, to improve Montagu’s harrier breeding conditions in southern Spain.


Team and experience

Our team is made up of more than 30 volunteers working together in this conservation project. We have been involved in the study of the local population of Montagu’s harries for the past 15 years, monitoring the species and studying the main threats these birds are facing. Understanding the issues local farmers have to deal with and that affect these birds is also a key part of our work.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

  • Life On Land

    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss