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Finished 23 / 05 / 2018
$ 3,645
$ 3,291
$ 5,163
52 Backers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Wasp Reward. Wasps are insects predators, and contribute to pollination.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb" of acknoledgment, at the entrance of the earth BEElive! Aknwoledgment in blog / Web.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing $ 21

    Beetle reward. The beetles opt for flowers with larger petals and for those that are more aromatic.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive !. Acknoledgment in the blog and web. Environmental education digital materials. Take part in a guided tour to get to know the garden and the bees!

    > 09 Backers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Butterfly Reward The Butterflies feed from the nectar of the flowers, fulfilling their role as pollinators.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive !. Aknowledgment in the blog and web. We plant a tree to your name or dedicated by you to whoever you want! You can follow its growth through the blog or come and see it, by joining a guided tour to get to know the garden and the bees!

    > 13 Backers
  • Contributing $ 53

    Ladybird Reward. In addition to being a small pollinator, the ladybird eats aphids and woodlice, contributing to the health of the garden.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive !. Acknoledgment in the blog and web. We plant a tree to your name or dedicated by you to who you want and that you will be able to follow in the blog or to know participating in a guided visit to BEElive! land. Environmental education digital materials . Online assistance about organic vegetables gardening and pollinators keeping.

    > 10 Backers
  • Contributing $ 75

    Hummingbird Butterfly Reward. The flight of this Butterfly resembles that of the hummingbird bird. Feeds from flowers in flight, and loves the jasmine!

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive! Acknoledgment in the blog and web. We plant a tree in your name or dedicated by you to who you want and that you will be able to follow in the blog or to know participating in a guided visit to BEElive! land. Environmental education digital materials. Online advice about organic vegetables gardening and pollinators keeping. Selection of seeds from bee-friendly plants grown on BEElive! land. Join an environmental education workshop BEElive! (Italy), or in Barcelona / Madrid.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing $ 107

    Bee Reward. When a bee finds a good source of nectar, she can communicate where it is to her companions. For example, flying in a circle it indicates that the meadow is nearby. Flying in the form of 8, that the meadow is far.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive! Acknoledgment in in the blog and web. We plant a tree or honey plant in your name or dedicated by you to whoever you want and that you can follow on the blog or meet participating in a guided tour in BEElive! land. Environmental education digital materials. Online assistance on organic vegetable gardening and pollinators keeping. BEElive! original t-shirt "BEEnice" to bees. Selection of seeds from bee-friendly plants grown on BEElive! land. Environmental education workshop at BEElive! (Italy), or in Barcelona / Madrid.

    > 05 Backers
  • Contributing $ 214

    Bee Reward. In a hive they can live between 50,000 and 80,000 bees. They maintain constant temperature inside thanks to the movement of their wings.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive! Acknoledgment in the blog and web. Selection of seeds from bee-friendly plants grown on BEElive! land. Join an environmental education workshop BEElive! (Italy), or in Barcelona / Madrid.
    Basket (medium), of ECO vegetables grown on the BEELive land! You'll receive it at home if you are far away. (We will support local ECO peasants closer to you).

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing $ 534

    Bumblebee Reward. With its abundant striped fur, the Bumblebee is a nice "stuffed" insect, and perhaps the most effective for pollination.

    Your name painted on a hexagonal tile, will be part of a "honeycomb", at the entrance of the land BEElive! Acknoledgment in the blog and web. BE our guest for two days, to know the land and works at BEElive!, and know the beautiful villages of Salento and their excellent gastronomy!
    BEElive! original t-shirt "BEEnice to bees". Basket (LARGE), of ECO vegetables grown on the BEELive land! You'll receive it at home if you are far away. (We will support local ECO peasants closer to you).

    > 01 Backers

Un poco de paciencia, un po' di pazienza. :)

19 | 06 | 2018

Queridxs amigxs,
hace un mes desde el cierre de nuestra campaña y siguen los trabajos en la tierra BEElive, sobre todo en esta epóca en que el clima y la tierra ayudan a que todo crezca con ganas y las abejas y polinizadores no paran su vaivén entre las flores.
Todo está tomando forma de la mejor manera, no dejamos de agradeceros y os escribimos que las recompensas están en fase de elaboración...por motivos prácticos empezaremos el envío y la entrega a partir de agosto.
Mientras, os invitamos a seguir nuestra cuenta twitter para estar al día de lo que se cuece en el proyecto.
Os enviamos algunas foto del "antes" y " después" en la tierra. De momento!
Gracias por la paciencia!
El team de BEElive!
Simona, Antonio y las Abejas.

Cari amici e amiche!
A un mese dalla fine della nostra campagna il lavoro continua nella terra di BEElive, specialmente in questo momento in cui il clima e la terra aiutano a che le piante crescano, mentre le api e gli impollinatori volano tra i fiori senza posa.
BEElive sta prendendo forma nel migliore dei modi, soprattutto grazie al vostro aiuto. Vi informiamo che le ricompense sono in fase di elaborazione ... per motivi pratici inizieremo la spedizione e la consegna da agosto. Per questo vi chiediamo un pochino di pazienza! :)

Nel frattempo, vi invitiamo a seguire il nostro account Twitter per essere aggiornato su ciò che sta accadendo nel progetto.
Alleghiamo alcune foto del "prima" e "dopo" nella terra BEElive! e continuiamo i lavori!

Il team di BEElive,

Simona, Antonio e le Api!


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