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Finished 24 / 04 / 2018
$ 5,264
$ 2,870
$ 5,457
82 Backers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Thank you very much!!

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    > 11 Backers
  • Contributing $ 21

    Pictures with a story

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    > 20 Backers
  • Contributing $ 53

    Pictures with a story and a souvenir

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly! As well, we will bring you and send you a souvenir ( surprise!) from our trip.

    > 16 Backers
  • Contributing $ 107

    Pictures with a story, dinner and concert

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    Also, we would love to invite you to a dinner in our home and to offer you a concert of our musicians, Nuria&Constantin. :)

    > 07 Backers
  • Contributing $ 160

    Pictures with a story, dinner , concert and tour.

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    Also, we would love to invite you to a dinner in our home and to offer you a concert of our musicians, Nuria&Constantin. We would also like to show you one of our cities - Madrid, Paris or Granada- on a nice and personal tour.

    > 02 Backers

¡23 días! ¡Sigamos regando!

17 | 02 | 2018
¡23 días! ¡Sigamos regando!

Wow!! Ya llevamos casi 20 días! Es el ecuador de esta primera parte de la recaudación y nos alegra muchísimo ver todo el apoyo que nos habéis dado hasta ahora. Os queremos agradecer, una vez más, a todas y todos que creáis en este proyecto. Cada día que pasa vemos que , poco a poco, va tomando forma y se va haciendo realidad.

De hecho, queremos compartir con vosotros los nuevos avances. Os habréis preguntado, ¿A qué vienen tantos cacharros de laboratorio? Con la ayuda de Purificación Sánchez, profesora de Química de la Universidad de Granada estamos buscando agua mágica que cambie los colores de la flor, la cual va a acompañar a la protagonista de esta historia durante toda su aventura. De hecho, en la historia, una buena mañana cuando nuestra protagonista se levanta , al regar la flor verá cómo inmediatamente esta cambia de color. Es por esto que emprenderá su viaje, a través del cual conocerá al resto de personajes y vivirá todas las aventuras. ¿Cuáles? Os iremos contando más en otra entrada del blog.

Gracias de corazón de nuevo. Si podéis, os animamos a compartir este proyecto con vuestros contactos. Ya ha germinado la semilla de Chòma, ¡¡sigamos regando para que crezca!!


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