Construir en col·lectiu

Finished 15 / 01 / 2016
£ 7,196
£ 4,057
£ 7,046
301 Backers
  • Contributing £ 4

    Thanks in our website and the book

    We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing £ 9


    We will send the book in PDF after its published

    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 29 Backers
  • Contributing £ 17

    1 exemplar del llibre en paper

    1 printed book

    • We will send the book in PDF after its published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 191 Backers
  • Contributing £ 26

    Book + DVD

    1 printed book

    • 1 DVD of the documentary "Like an invisible giant" (English subtitles)
    • We will send the book in PDF after its published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 24 Backers
  • Contributing £ 34

    Llibre + llibre "Inventari de Can Batlló. Teixint una història col·lectiva"

    1 printed book

    • 1 book "Inventari de Can Batlló. Teixint una història col·lectiva" (only in Catalan)
    • We will send the book in PDF after its published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 11 Backers
  • Contributing £ 43

    Llibre + Llibre "Inventari de Can Batlló" + DVD del documental

    1 printed book

    • 1 DVD of the documentary "Like an invisible giant" (English subtitles)
    • 1 book "Inventari de Can Batlló. Teixint una història col·lectiva" (only in Catalan)
    • We will send the book in PDF after its published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 22 Backers
  • Contributing £ 73

    5 printed books

    5 printed books

    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 05 Backers
  • Contributing £ 85

    Lecture about participation (online)

    We will give you a talk about participation through videocall (1 hour)

    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing £ 145

    10 exemplars del llibre

    10 printed books

    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 02 Backers
  • Contributing £ 171

    Conferència sobre participació o presentació del llibre

    We will give you a talk about participation (outside Catalonia travel expenses are not included)

    • 1 printed book
    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing £ 214

    Guided visit and drink

    Guided visit in Sants and a drink with the parterns of the coop (max. 15 people)

    • 1 printed book
    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing £ 427

    Guided visit and drink

    Guided visit in Sants and a drink with the parterns of the coop (max. 30 people)

    • 1 printed book
    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing £ 854

    Visita guiada i vermut

    Guided visit in Sants and a drink with the parterns of the coop (max. 30 people)

    • 1 printed book
    • We will send the book in PDF after it's published
    • We will write your name (if you want) in the book and the website of LaCol.
    > 00 Backers

Presentem el llibre “Construir en col·lectiu” a Barcelona

El proper dimecres 23 de gener a les 18:30h a l’Espai Contrabandos (Carrer de la Junta de Comerç 20, Barcelona) farem la presentació a Barcelona del llibre Construir en col·lectiu. Comptarem amb la presència de Laia Forné, assessora...

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Ya están disponibles los artículos teóricos de “Construir en colectivo”

Después de presentar el apartado de Experiencias del libro Construir en colectivo ahora ponemos a disposición de los mecenas del Goteo la parte teórica del cuerpo. En este...

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Disponible la sección experiencias de "Construir en colectivo"

Disponible la sección experiencias de "Construir en colectivo"

Después de una serie de retrasos ya está disponible la primera parte del libro "Construir en colectivo. Participación en arquitectura...
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We are still alive!

Even if it looks something else, we are still alive! We haven't run away with the money to Panama! But the last two months we've been overload with different projects, more than we expected. Among other things we've been dealing with the...

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Last days!

We are close to the end of the campaign! There are only 4 days left, and we still need 300€ more to be sure we can translate the book to English.

You already helped us with your support, but you can still give us a hand sharing the website...
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¡Ayudarnos tiene premio!

Ahora que acaba el año es un buen momento para recordaros que vuestras aportaciones tienen premio. No sólo las recompensas que os daremos, tambien podéis desgrabar dinero en la declaración de la renta. Esto es posible ya que Goteo...

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We want to reach the optimum to translate to Catalan and English!

Last week the crowdfunding first round ended. We achieved the minimum we were asking for. Now we are about to reach the 7.000€, that would allow us to ensure the Catalan edition of the book. If we gather 8.000€ we could also publish the English...

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Presentamos el libro en Bilbao y la ETSAV

¡Acabamos de pasar el ecuador de la campaña y ya estamos cerca de llegar a nuestro objetivo inicial! Ahora mismo llevamos recaudados 4.200€. Todavía nos falta un empujón para llegar al mínimo que pedimos (4.750€), pero os avisamos...

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¡Empezamos la campaña!

¡Hoy es el dia 1 de la campaña de micromecenazgo para conseguir publicar el libro Construir en colectivo! Hace mucho tiempo que estamos detrás de este proyecto pero debido a los ritmos de otros proyectos de la cooperativa no hemos podido retomar...

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