Escoliña De Vilar

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Finished 20 / 06 / 2016
$ 16,395
$ 11,988
$ 25,271
272 Backers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Thanks, postcard and invitation

    We appreciate it on the web, you download the postcard with the logo and we invite you to the opening party.

    > 37 Backers
  • Contributing $ 21

    Two fanzines

    Invitation to the opening party, we thank you on the web and you download the postcard with the logo + you receive two fanzines of the topics of your choice (health, nature, bread making, agriculture, seeds, alternative pedagogies, sexuality. ..)

    > 42 Backers
  • Contributing $ 32

    We plant a tree in your honor

    Invitation to the opening party, we thank you on the web and you download the postcard with the logo + two fanzines + we plant a tree in your honor to reafforest the school surroundings.

    > 56 Backers
  • Contributing $ 53

    Logo T-Shirt

    Invitation to the opening party, we thank you on the web and you download the postcard with the logo + two fanzines + a t-shirt with the logo of Escoliña de Vilar

    > 50 Backers
  • Contributing $ 107

    Small basket of local products

    Invitation to the opening party, we thank you on the web and you download the postcard with the logo + two fanzines + t-shirt with logo + a small basket of organic products planted and / or processed locally.

    > 30 Backers
  • Contributing $ 214

    Large basket of local products

    Invitation to the opening party, we thank you on the web and you download the postcard with the logo + two fanzines + t-shirt with logo + a big basket with organic products planted and / or processed locally

    > 10 Backers

Revolucionando a escola en Uvieu, con Loco Matrifoco

11 | 05 | 2016
Revolucionando a escola en Uvieu, con Loco Matrifoco

 A fin de semán do 1 de maio compartimos con xentes do eido da educación, nas IV Jornadas de Educación: “Revolucionando la escuela”,organizadas por Loco Matrifoco. Puidemos coñecer experiencias e iniciativas de educación libertaria, como é Paideia, que conta cunha traxectoria de 38 anos, ao antipedagogo Pedro García Olivo ou a Norberto Martín, mestre da escola unitaria de Muñas e moi comprometido co mundo rural. Unha vez máis fumos acollidas con agarimo e poidemos sentir o interese e o apoio ao noso proxecto.

ovieuVoltamos a casa coa sensación de que paga a pena o esforzo que estamos a facer. A maiores de conseguir apoios e colaboracións, entre todas alimentamos ese urdido invisible que une ás persoas e favorece comunidades.

Un bico enorme a Sure, que naceu e medrou en Vilar e que, aínda que agora non viva aquí, sempre foi e será unha de nós.

Queremos agradecer a esa persoa, da que non sabemos nin o nome, que participa no ateneo libertario de Uvieu e que recolleu en audio as sesións das xornadas.Radio QK pon á disposición de todas estes audios.









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