FoldaRap, Peer-to-Peer Edition

Finished 09 / 07 / 2013
$ 56,692
$ 12,876
$ 17,168
97 Backers
  • Contributing $ 11


    All contributions are welcome and deserve a big thank you ! A nice postcard and some stickers :)

    > 07 Backers
  • Contributing $ 21


    A random printed part among the trials which permitted to progress in the development of the FoldaRap.

    • previous rewards
    > 06 Backers
  • Contributing $ 43


    A little printed object :)

    • previous rewards
    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing $ 64


    A tee-shirt with an illustration of the FoldaRap for this special p2p-edition

    • previous rewards
    > 02 Backers
  • Contributing $ 537

    FoldaRap P2P Edition

    The most interesting reward of this campaign, also probably the quickest way to have your kit!

    All you need to build the lastest version of the FoldaRap, excepted the printed parts.
    Find a local reprapper to add them to your kit !

    (hint : with probably more than 40 000 machines in the wild, there must be one near you, or we can still have them printed separately)

    > 14 Backers
  • Contributing $ 644

    FoldaRap full kit

    All you need to build the lastest version of the FoldaRap !

    > 65 Backers
  • Contributing $ 966

    Workshop @NYBICC

    Workshop at NYBICC (Nancy, France)

    We find a date that arrange everyone, and you came to build a FoldaRap with us in our super friendly Makerspace : the Nancy Bidouille Construction Club !

    > 05 Backers
  • Contributing $ 1,073

    Workshop around the world

    We find a date that arrange everyone to invite me (for a week-end to a full week), and I personally come with my machine to help you build and learn to use the FoldaRap(s) you may have funded !

    > 02 Backers

Hardware boxes

02 | 06 | 2013

Today a friend helped me to pack some of the hardware !

I like to use these little boxes, they are convenient to check that you have everything, and make the assembly way quicker by avoiding to have to look in a pile of plastic bags for the parts.

(I still have plenty of message left to answer, I'm catching up slowly but surely ^^')


Hace 1 decade

c'est l'histoire d'un WE a monter tout ça :) :)

bon courage

patience ptience

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