Gogoan (En la memoria)

Finished 06 / 05 / 2018
£ 25,462
£ 19,354
£ 28,347
392 Backers
  • Contributing £ 8

    You are part of the work

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture

    > 38 Backers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Thank you gifts

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + Pin Sf-78 + DVD of the documentary “Oroitarria”, on the stele in homage to Germán Rodríguez

    > 112 Backers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Thank you gifts (music)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + Pin of SF-78 + CD of music (exclusive edition on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Sanfermines of 78, edited by GOR)

    > 88 Backers
  • Contributing £ 63

    Thank you gifts (collections)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + Lot of DVDs of documentaries about historical memory + Collection of postcards (reproduction of artistic works created for the 30th anniversary of the Sanfermines of 78)

    > 14 Backers
  • Contributing £ 85

    Thank you gifts (new publications)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + Book “Feminism, the transition, and the sanfermines of 78” written by Begoña Zabala + CD music (exclusive edition on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Sanfermines of 78, edited by GOR)

    > 54 Backers
  • Contributing £ 169

    COLLECTIVES AND ASSOCIATIONS Thank you gifts (work of the artist 1)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + An serigraphy reproducing the sculpture made by Dora Salazar + Guided tour around the streets of Iruñea (A unique visit guided by of those who lived the Sanfermines of 78 in first person)

    > 19 Backers
  • Contributing £ 169

    Thank you gifts (work of the artist 1)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + An serigraphy reproducing the sculpture made by Dora Salazar

    > 11 Backers
  • Contributing £ 423

    COLLECTIVES AND ASSOCIATIONS Thank you gifts (work of the artist 2)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + Reproduction of the miniature sculpture, made of wrought iron by Dora Salazar + Guided tour around the streets of Iruñea (A unique visit guided by of those who lived the Sanfermines of 78 in first person)

    > 03 Backers
  • Contributing £ 423

    Thank you gifts (work of the artist 2)

    Your name will be included in a “time box” buried at the base of the sculpture + Reproduction of the miniature sculpture, made of wrought iron by Dora Salazar

    > 06 Backers

¡Lo conseguimos, mil gracias!!

26 | 05 | 2018

El pasado día 6 cerramos nuestra campaña de crowdfunding sobrepasando la barrera de los 30.000 euros gracias a vuestras aportaciones. Así, 392 personas y colectivos entusiastas con nuestra propuesta haréis posible que el próximo 29 de junio inauguremos la escultura de Dora Salazar en memoria del ataque que nuestra Iruñea sufrió aquellos sanfermines de 1978. Inauguración a la que no podéis faltar y estáis más que invitadas.

Os avisaremos con la hora y el lugar, mientras os recordamos que aún podéis visitar la exposición “Argazkiak lekuko. Memoria gráfica contra la impunidad” en Contestable, hasta el 31 de mayo. Y este lunes 28, la última de las actividades en torno a la exposición: "Voces de la memoria", con Fermín Balentzia y Taller de Corcheas, a ls 19:00. ¡Animaos!


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