Infinitloop 2.0

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Filed on 07 / 01 / 2015
£ 904
£ 6,757
£ 14,106
41 Backers
  • Contributing £ 4

    5 stickers + DIY Guide infinitloop

    5 infinitloop PDF stickers so that you can print and add to the objects that you want to turn into infinitloops and the guide "Do it yourself" with different ideas and manufacturing steps for infinitloops.

    > 08 Backers
  • Contributing £ 10

    Workshop on Co-creation of solutions for the circular economy + the previous rewards

    We invite you to participate in an inspiring and creative ideas workshop to share with the team of infinitloop, speakers with inspiring proposals and the organizations and individuals that have accompanied the creation of this project. Leave with new ideas of circular economy, practical applications and new collaborations + 5 stickers + DIY Guide in pdf

    > 09 Backers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Reusable infinitloop shopping bag + all the previous rewards

    Alternatively, take home a shopping bag made by users CET of Estel Tapia in reused plastic with a label infinitloop, for any use and super resistant + come to the co-creation workshop + 5 stickers + DIY Guide in pdf

    > 06 Backers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Reusable infinitloop wine bottle bag + all the previous rewards

    A unique wine bottle infinitloop bag made by Fundació Pare Manel in reused fabric to wrap, transport and offer your bottles + come to the co-creation workshop + 5 stickers + DIY Guide in pdf

    > 07 Backers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Infinitloop de tela para envolver regalos + todo lo anterior

    Si lo prefieres, llévate una infinitloop de tela para envolver regalos hecho
    por los usuarios del CET Estel Tapia con ropa reutilizada, con una etiqueta
    infinitloop cosida, fantástico para evitar envolver tus regalos con papel +
    ven a la jornada creativa de economía circular + 5 etiquetas pdf + Guía DIY

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing £ 30

    Tarpuneig - Urban path for creative stimulation of social innovation ideas + 5 stickers + DIY Guide

    Take a creativity tour of 2h in Barcelona and end full of ideas to improve the world + 5 stickers + infinitloop DIY Guide

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing £ 30

    Workshop-dialogue about collaborative consumption with Albert Canyigueral

    Workshop-dialogue with the author of “Vivir mejor con menos” Albert Canyigueral, expert en consum col·laboratiu + 5 infinitloop stickers + Infinitloop DIY Guide in pdf.

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing £ 34

    Inpiring visit for 2 people at the innovation projects of Tarpuna in Barcelona + "vermut" + 5 stickers + DIY Guide DIY

    On a Saturday morning (4h) we will take you on a trip in Barcelona to for various social projects of Tarpuna Cooperative. The visit is for 2 adults which may be accompanied by children. We offer a "vermut (typical aperitive) + 5 infinitloop stickers + Infinitloop DIY Guide in pdf.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing £ 34

    Pedagogic kit + DIY Guide

    If yo work with groups, at schools or other organisation, we offer you a kit with educatonal purpose with a pedagogical guide for imagine and create infinitloops with your group + 30 stickers in pdf + DIY Guide in pdf

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing £ 38

    Kit of social products (sent to your home) + invitation to co-creation workshop + 5 stickers + DIY Guide

    Infinitloop shopping bag + wine bottle bag + infinitloop wrap for presents to make them circulate. We will send it all by courier to the address you specify + invitation to the circular economy co-creation workshop + 5 infinitloop stickers + Infinitloop DIY Guide in pdf.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Masterclass about sustainble fashion design + 5 stickers + DIY Guide

    Come to a uique workshop and masterclass with designer Josep Abril in a small group where you can learn and share knowledge and ideas about sustainable fashion and textile creation. In Barcelona, in spring 2015.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing £ 68

    A banner of your project in infinitloop website

    Banner advertising your project on the infinitloop web over 6 months. For social economy enterprises or nonprofit.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing £ 127

    Social backer. A set of tasty products!

    3 botles from l'Olivera (2 wine + 1 cava) + 2 bags for winebottles from Fundació Pare Manel + 2 vegetable patés from Tarpuna + 1 basket of organic vegetables + 1 shopping bag from CET Estel Tàpia + invitation to the circular economy co-creation workshop + 5 infinitloop stickers + Infinitloop DIY Guide in pdf. We will send it to you wherever you are.

    > 00 Backers


Termina la campaña y no hemos conseguido el objetivo. De hecho nos hemos quedado muuuuy lejos! Quizá la idea no era lo suficientemente concreta, quizá la comunicación ha fallado, quizá somos unos visionarios desconectados;-) ... quien sabe!...

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En casa siempre hemos sido muy de reciclaje y de do-it-yourself, incluso mucho antes de que todo esto se pusiera de moda. El perchero de la entrada está hecho con las estanterías de la habitación de cuando era pequeña; la lona de la terraza...

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El pongo

T'han fet algún cop un regal terrible? Més que amics invisibles tens enemics invisibles? Ja saps què és un Pongo? Si has contestat que sí a les tres preguntes sabràs que a vegades alguns regals acaben...

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Armario de alquiler

Ayer podíamos leer en el diario ARA un artículo sobre el consumo responsable en el cual hablaban del Spotify en el armario y nos hacían imaginar un mundo en el que en lugar de tener la ropa en nuestro armario y en propiedad, la tuviésemos...

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La silla que hizo mi abuelo es un Infinitloop

Mi abuelo era el iaio Antoniu. Ni Antonio, ni Antoni: Antoniu. El sr
Antoniu Dotú.

Dicen mis tíos, que mi abuelo después de la guerra se las apañaba como
fuera para poder trabajar.

Como más de uno, supongo, no dudaba en arremangarse...

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