La Guirlande - Spanish Travelling Virtuosi Vol.1

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Finished 06 / 12 / 2018
$ 5,658
$ 4,298
$ 6,447
107 Backers
  • Contributing $ 11


    Our dear organist will thank you for your contribution and will provide you with a digital download of the disc in master quality (96Hz-24 bits).

    > 11 Backers
  • Contributing $ 27


    The Italian cellist will give you a physical copy of the CD. In addition, your name will appear in the booklet in the acknowledgments section.

    > 52 Backers
  • Contributing $ 54


    On his way through Paris, our flutist will give you two physical copies of the CD signed by your favorite virtuoso + your name in the script + two digital copies of the album + two notebooks with La Guirlande's logo.

    > 17 Backers
  • Contributing $ 107


    Nicolás Ximenez will be able to return to London once again! As a thank you, he will give you a Collector's Edition of the album that will include the CD + La Guirlande's Personalized Folder inside which you will find the scores with our edition of each and every one of the works included in the album, printed in DeLuxe format. Of course, your name will be included in the CD booklet.

    > 13 Backers
  • Contributing $ 215


    FOR MUSIC STORES, LIBRARIES, HIGH-FIDELITY EQUIPMENT, ETC. The virtuous brothers will be able to continue traveling around Europe thanks to your contribution. As a reward you will receive 5 CDs. In addition, the logo of your store will be included inside the book as COLLABORATORS. And we will include a brief announcement of your store on our Facebook page!

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing $ 537


    FOR BUSINESSES AND COMPANIES. All SPANISH TRAVELING VIRTUOSI will be eternally grateful. As a reward you will receive 2 CDs. In addition, the logo of your company will appear as SPONSOR on the back cover of the disc, as well as on our website until the end of 2019. And if that was not enough, we will include an announcement of your company on our Facebook channel!

    > 00 Backers

¡Vamos por buen camino!

30 | 09 | 2018

Queridos amigos (english version below),

Tras dos semanas con la campaña, ¡hemos alcanzado el 73 % de financiación! Estamos muy contentos del resultado, y queríamos agradeceros a todos vosotros el apoyo que nos estáis dando. Sin vuestra ayuda, esto no sería posible.

Del mismo modo, os agradeceríamos que sigáis difundiendo la campaña, dentro de las posibilidades de cada uno, por supuesto.

Muchas gracias de nuevo. ¡Dentro de poco tendréis noticias nuestras!

Dear friends,

After two weeks, we have reached 73% financing! We are really happy, and we wanted to thank all of you for the support you are giving us. Without your help, this would not be possible.

In addition, we would appreciate a lot if you continue spreading the campaign among your contacts.

Thank you very much again. Soon you will receive news from us!


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