Laboratori d'aplicacions mòbils

Finished 04 / 01 / 2014
$ 12,280
$ 6,511
$ 16,929
52 Backers
  • Contributing $ 5

    Your name in the acknowledgments page of the FIB

    Your name will appear on a Web page where the FIB will be thankful to all those who make this project possible.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Your name at the page and in the Apps Lab

    In addition to be mentioned in the website, a physical space will be reserved in the classroom to show those who have cooperated.

    > 10 Backers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Invitation to the opening ceremony

    Aside from the references to the Lab and the web site, you will have an invitation to the opening ceremony of the Lab. It will include a related speech about mobile tech. In addition, there will be a group photo that will be hanged in the Lab, it will be displayed at the website and sent to the media along with a press release.

    > 18 Backers
  • Contributing $ 65

    Keep up to date

    In addition to the previous reward, you will receive regular communications with news about mobile applications, academic papers, final projects and other activities being developed in the Apps Lab.
    You will be able to participate in a free annual technical seminar about mobile technologies and other technology trends organized by the FIB. Moreover, in case of a free places in a non-profit course, you will be able to register for free.

    > 03 Backers
  • Contributing $ 87

    Explain your ideas and do networking

    You will participate in a networking conference with developers, students and collaborators of the Lab. Also you'll be able to express your proposals to the "Lab's Pool of Ideas" . By this way your proposals and App projects may be developed by the students as academic practices.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing $ 163

    Use the Lab

    In addition to previous rewards, you'll be able to access for 100 hours (previous reservation) to the IOS development Lab. This bag of hours will be valid for 3 years.

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing $ 326

    : The company logo on the website and in the Lab

    We will show the logo of your company or institution's at FIB’s website as one of our partners in this project, it will be shown also in the picture hanged on the physical spaces of the Lab. The company will be invited to participate in the opening ceremony also.

    > 09 Backers
  • Contributing $ 651

    Landig page or special page of your company.

    In addition to the previous reward, you will have a special "landing page" linked from the project website, where you will be able to show your company services and special offers for Lab users.

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing $ 1,302

    Sponsor an iMac

    With this contribution, you will sponsor one of the iMacs of the Lab. The company logo will be displayed as computer sponsor at the project’s website (where you will have the option to create a landing page specific for your company) and the physical space of the classroom.
    In addition, the logo of your company will be displayed in the iMac (externally labeled and as a wallpaper) as company that sponsors the computer. You will be invited to the opening ceremony also and the company name will be included at the press release sent to the media.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing $ 2,713

    Teach in the Lab

    In addition to sponsoring an iMac, you can book for free the iOS Lab to train for two weeks (mornings or afternoons). This booking will depend of availability of the Lab and opening periods. The training event or information event can be addressed to FIB students, other groups and also for in-company training.

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing $ 6,511

    Sponsor the iOS Lab

    The Lab will be named with your trademark and your company’s logo will be displayed prominently in the Lab’s webpage (where you will have the option of creating a specific landing page for the company), in a physical space in the Lab (with a poster or a plaque with the name and logo of the company or institution in recognition) and press releases will be sent to media.

    Your company will be invited to chair the Lab's opening ceremony and as a speaker at seminars and conferences organized about mobile technologies and other areas of computing. It will yield freely the school’s Auditorium (Sala d'Actes) or the school’s Boardroom (Sala de juntes) or the Lab for conferences, seminars or presentations (two days per year for the next three years).

    > 01 Backers

Benvinguts/des al nou Laboratori d'aplicacions mòbils !

18 | 10 | 2013
Benvinguts/des al nou Laboratori d'aplicacions mòbils !

Us volem donar la benvinguda a tots/es i presentar-vos l'espai que tenim reservat per al nou Laboratori d'aplicacions mòbils.

En aquest espai, ubicat al soterrani de l'edifici C6 del Campus Nord de la UPC, és on instal.larem els equips que gràcies a aquest projecte volem aconseguir.

Suma't-hi !!!! Amb la teva col·laboració ho farem possible !!


Càtedra d'Accessibilitat de la UPC
Hace 1 decade
Enhorabona companys i companyes! Un primer projecte SUMA UPC aconseguit! Bona feina!

Maria Hortènsia Álvarez
Càtedra d'Accessibilitat
Hace 1 decade
Moltes gràcies !!

Us desitgem molta sort amb el vostre projecte i que també aconseguiu el finançament necessari.

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