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Finished 16 / 03 / 2020
£ 8,723
£ 5,157
£ 8,595
207 Backers
  • Contributing £ 10

    Recognition in the final credits + link

    A way to appreciate your contribution is writing your name in the final credits of the documentary. We will also send you a link, after the official release, so that you can watch the film online.

    > 49 Backers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Recognition in the final credits + link + download

    You will appear in the final credits of the documentary, we will send you a link after the official release so that you can see the film online and you will have the option to download it.

    > 76 Backers
  • Contributing £ 43

    Recognition in the final credits + link + download + 1 free ticket

    You will appear in the final credits of the documentary, we will send you a link after the official release so that you can see the film online and you can download it. Also, you'll receive a free ticket to see it in a cinema!

    > 29 Backers
  • Contributing £ 86

    Recognition in the final credits + link + download + 2 free tickets + poster

    You will appear in the final credits of the documentary, we will send you a link after the official release so that you can see the film online and you can download it. Also, you'll receive two free tickets to see it in a cinema and a poster.

    > 24 Backers
  • Contributing £ 258

    Recognition in the final credits + link + download + 2 free tickets + poster + team meeting

    You will appear in the final credits of the documentary, we will send you a link after the official release so that you can see the film online and you can download it. Also, you'll receive two free tickets to see it in a cinema, a poster and, to appreciate your important contribution, we will organize a private meeting with all the patrons to know each other, to talk about the documentary and exchange views.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing £ 688

    Recognition in the final credits + link + download + 2 free tickets + poster + team meeting + dinner

    You will appear in the final credits of the documentary, we will send you a link after the official release so that you can see the film online and you can download it. Also, you'll receive two free tickets to see it in a cinema, a poster and you will have access to a private meeting between the team and all the patrons to talk about the documentary and exchange views. And, finally, we will invite you to a dinner to thank your trust in our project.

    > 00 Backers

Ho hem aconseguit, moltes gràcies / Lo hemos conseguido, muchas gracias


Després de 80 dies de campanya hem aconseguit arribar al pressupost òptim per poder finançar la postproducció del documental 'Margalida'. No podem estar més agraïts a totes les persones que heu cregut en el projecte i que ens heu...

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Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
This is almost done! Our way through Goteo has also allowed us to explain ourselves.
Two hundred contributors already... It's not just a campaign, its a dream machine!
A million thanks to everyone! We keep crowdfunding in a 2nd round to achieve our optimum goal!
Last three days! We count on you as we already did on them.

L'equip de 'Margalida' visita el plató del Canal 4 per parlar del documental a Avui Actualitat 📺

Fa unes setmanes vàrem visitar el plató del Canal 4 per explicar més detalls del crowdfunding de 'Margalida'. 📺
Va ser una experiència nova i molt divertida!!!

Ens podeu veure al minut 47:10 d'aquest enllaç:...

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One week left in this all-or-nothing round. You have nothing to loose because we can do everything together.

Ara a Formentera, parlam del projecte 'Margalida' a Radio Illa!

Fa uns dies, una de les codirectores de 'Margalida', Constança Amengual, va parlar de documental a Radio Illa. Podeu consultar l'enllaç si voleu escoltar l'entrevista sencera:...

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Half way of our campaign in Goteo, find here other ways to help beyond donating.
We are nearly 100, feel like giving it a try and help us reach that?
Among all of us it's possible! Thank you for helping us achieve it with Goteo!

Hem arribat al pressupost mínim, ara anam a per l'ÒPTIM, GRÀCIES

'Margalida' comença a ser una realitat, hem arribat al pressupost mínim gràcies a la vostra participació, mil gràcies! Ara volem anar més enllà i aconseguir el pressupost òptim. Seguim en campanya!

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Thanks to people's support, our project is very close to become true!
After a week campaigning, we remind you our reasons (click here).
After setting sail, we look for boaters! Clic here and learn about our campaign goals.
Getting here has merit: 50% of the funding goal is over!

l'Ara Balears fa ressó de la campanya crowdfunding de 'Margalida'

El diari 'Ara Balears' ha publicat un article sobre la campanya de micromecenatge i el documental 'Margalida'. Per llegir-lo sencer podeu consultar aquest enllaç:...

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Would you like to know more about our campaign? Here we go

Novembre Films i el Documental 'Margalida' al Cent x Cent

El passat 29 de desembre la revista manacorina 'Cent x Cent' va publicar un article sobre la productora Novembre Films i el documental 'Margalida'. Per llegir l'entrevista completa:

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20% of our funding goal already achieved, this is moving on!
We have received a donation of €500 in the campaign, thank you!
First few donations, thanks! :)