Más allá de los desalojos forzosos

Finished 22 / 12 / 2013
$ 8,788
$ 8,423
$ 12,179
101 Backers
  • Contributing $ 11


    We appreciate your contribution! Therefore, you will be acknowledged in a personal way on our web and social networks.

    > 14 Backers
  • Contributing $ 21

    Acknowledgment+Socio-environmental report

    In addition to thanking your contribution on our networks we will send you by e-mail our social and environmental report about Cañada Real (sector 5).

    > 15 Backers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Acknowledgment+Socio-environmental report+pictures.

    In addition to all of the above we will send you by email a selection of unpublished pictures of Cañada Real

    > 06 Backers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Acknowledgment+Socio-environmental report+pictures+journal.

    In addition to the above we will send you by e-mail a small journal talking about the news on Cañada Real for 4 months

    > 13 Backers
  • Contributing $ 107

    Acknowledgment+Socio-environmental report+pictures+journal+t-shirt.

    In addition to the above we will send you a shirt with the slogan "Silence is a complicit in the violation of human rights" in spanish

    > 06 Backers
  • Contributing $ 161

    Acknowledgment+Socio-environmental report+pictures+journal+t-shirt+2hour workshop.

 In addition to the above we offer a 2-hour workshop on any of the topics in which we work depending on the demand. If you want to know what kind of topics we offered please see our website.

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing $ 322

    Acknowledgment+Socio-environmental report+pictures+journal+t-shirt+4hour workshop.

    We offer to you a 4-hour workshop on any of the topics in which we work depending on the demand. If you want to know what kind of topics we offered please see our website. Also, if you want, we could do it at your city or town, but you will carry transportation and accommodations costs.

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing $ 537

    Recognition: As a collaborating entity.

    If you are a PYME, organization, association, etc, your name and your logo will be included as a partner in the project.

    > 00 Backers

About this project

Investigación sobre vulneraciones de Derechos Humanos en la Cañada Real Galiana (Madrid)

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Legal guide
A criminal and administrative lawyer expert, external to the research team of Colectivo Soleares, will draw up a judicial document that will help to identify the administrative and criminal infractions which might have been committed by the authorities during the eviction’s processes. This document will help the researchers to select the most important information for the technical-judicial report.
$ 751
Case selection
Information collecting about the Human Rghts’ violations committed in Cañada Real during the last years and selection of the 3 most important cases.
$ 2,522
Make a thorough research in each of the cases through interviews and information collecting.
$ 3,863
Transport costs of the researchers. It is included the expenses of four people during four months through B1 zone.
$ 1,288
Case selection
Information collecting about the Human Rights’ violations committed in Cañada Real during the last years and selection of the 5 most important cases.
$ 1,180
Thorough research in two additional cases (a total of five) through interviews and information collecting
$ 2,575
Total $ 8,423 $ 12,179

General information

Through the Collective Soleares we aim to investigate the Human Rights violations that may have occurred against the inhabitants of Cañada Real during last years, especially after the demolition campaign that began in 2005. Our intention is to present these facts, but also to collect relevant information to identify whether any of the cases could eventually be challenged before the Courts.

Description of the project. Main features, strengths and differentials.

A project of this nature must be especially methodical. To do this, a lawyer drew up a technical legal document containing the administrative process that should have been followed with each of the evictions, as well as the elements of the crimes that we expect may have been committed by the authorities in the context of these evictions. The document will establish the method to continue with the research. If we are able to obtain the minimum we are asking for, we will investigate thoroughly the three cases we consider most serious. If we could get the optimal amount, we will investigate a total of 5 cases.

The situation of Cañada Real has undergone intervention and research by many entities, whose passage on some occasions has allowed the residents to be active part of the change in their neighborhood. However, other actions have resulted in Cañada Real people wary and very reluctant to anyone outside their neighborhood

What can the Collective Soleares bring in the fight against Human Rights violations in Cañada Real?
Neighbor´s confidence on our team is a differential value, a value given by the Cañada Real people has allowed us to witness difficult situations and vital to them including forced evictions from their homes, creating strong bonds of confidence with us.

Why this is important

During the last four years that we have been working in Cañada Real we have clearly identify some Human Rights violations, specially related with forced evictions. Therefore, we have adopted the commitment of reporting them socially and juridical.

With your help we expect to document the injustices that have been done and still are being done in Cañada Real. Its population do not only suffer the harassment of the authorities, but they are also persons at risk of social exclusion because of their ethnic group, socioeconomic position and, at the same time, because of the image spread by the mass media.

The support that you can afford will help to show the reality of hundreds of families and the Human Rights violations that they have suffered, with the final aim that they stop.

Your contribution will contribute to the defence of the Human Rights, the elimination of racial discrimination and, in conclusion, a life of dignity for the inhabitants of Cañada Real.

We consider that our project could be understood as a defence of the Human Rights and essential for:

  • To stop the Human Rights violations in Cañada Real.
  • To show and to make aware on the situation of vulnerability that their inhabitants are living at.
    -To facilitate the opening of court cases that show the vulneration of Human Rights violation done against the populations of Cañada Real, as well as to repair the damage that has been already done.

The silence is accomplice of the Human Rights violations!

Besides, this project would clear the ground to make a second one in which it would be possible to do the following actions:

  • A practical guide about how to identify Human Rights violations to be used by the neighbours of Cañada Real.
  • A legal report that compiles all the information that could prove any kind of administrative irregularity or offence committed by the authorities against the local population. This report would help to identify the viability of possible legal actions against the responsible authorities and, in its case, it could be supporting documentation in a court case.
    -A documentary that includes testimony of the families as a way to report and to reconstruct the collective memory of this population, as well as audio-visual document to the report of the research.

The report as well as the documentary would be used for the making of a media campaign diffusion that would raise awareness to the citizens of the situation that inhabitants of Cañada Real are living.

Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

  1. To elaborate a legal guide that contains the administrative process that must have been followed for every eviction and the features of the offences that we think that could have been committed by the authorities against the inhabitants of Cañada Real. That guide would be used in order for researches to compile accurate information to identify if there has been an abuse by the authorities.

  2. To Make investigation about the Human Rights violations in Cañada Real.
    2.1. To document all the information obtained during the research.
    2.2 To transcribe all the written and audio-visual material compiled during the investigation.


Team and experience

We are a team with multidisciplinary education and field-work experience in matters of Human Rights, gender equality and chances, gender violence, population at risk of social exclusion, participative methodologies, local development and citizen participation.

We elaborate our work from a perspective based in three ideas that we think essential: Human Rights, Gender, and Participation. Our lines of intervention meets in research and communitarian intervention, as individuals, and as group one.
Until now, we have done all our work as volunteers, funded by autonomous ways.

We have been working for four years in communitarian intervention in Cañada Real. We have fomented the network of associates and democratic participation, as well as advising in negotiations of inhabitants with different administrations.

In this trajectory we have collaborated with Amnesty International in the making of its report: "Derechos a la Intemperie: Obstáculos para hacer valer los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales". (Rights in the cold: blockage to pull Rank the economic, social and cultural rights). Besides, we made a diagnostic report with offers of solution for Cañada Real at the request of the
Consejería de Asuntos Sociales (Department of Social Issues) of the region of Madrid.

Social commitment