Projecte Paramythádes

Finished 28 / 07 / 2016
$ 7,675
$ 4,258
$ 12,019
195 Backers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Gratitude to the coufounders 10

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 36 Backers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Gratitude to the cofounders 20

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 62 Backers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Gratitude to the cofounders 40

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 16 Backers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Gratitude to the cofounders 50

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 20 Backers
  • Contributing $ 75

    Gratitude to the cofounders 70

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 02 Backers
  • Contributing $ 108

    Gratitude to the cofounders 100

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 08 Backers
  • Contributing $ 216

    Gratitude to the cofounders 200

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 02 Backers
  • Contributing $ 539

    Gratitude to the cofounders 500

    Public gratitude. Your name or the name of your institution will be published in all the activities as a Paramythádes cofounder. Probably, after the team come back, it will take place an event with the complicity of diferent artists to thank the cofounders collaboration.

    > 01 Backers

Col·loqui i concert que ens acosten als refugiats

25 | 07 | 2016

Ahir vam celebrar el concert solidari Paramythades a Fabra i Coats i no podem estar més contents de com va anar i de la resposta rebuda.El col·loqui amb Carles Darder, Helena Tornero i Jorge Picó ens va deixar moltes idees per a la reflexió, i després Pau de Nut i Névoa ens van emocionar amb la seva música i el seu art.

Va ser una vetllada rodona i per sobre de totes les coses destaquen les  moltíssimes mostres de suport que vam rebre. Ens fa feliços saber que hi ha tanta gent que vol canviar la situació, que no es resigna i que busca la manera d'aportar el seu granet de sorra. El projecte Paramythades serà un  petit ambaixador de tots aquells que esteu al costat del refugiats.

I finalment, sabem que entrem en la recta final de la campanya de crowdfunding. Estem molt agraïts a Goteo i a tots els que heu col·laborat d'una manera o altra. Hem sobrepassat amb escreix l'objectiu mínim però encara estem lluny de l'òptim, només ens queden 3 dies i tenim la il·lusió de poder augmentar la xifra. La vostra difusió ens és de gran ajuda, doncs totes les aportacions són valuoses per poder fer crèixer el projecte.

Moltes gràcies!


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