Eco-social Project at Mas del Potro

Finished 09 / 12 / 2021
$ 10,678
$ 6,423
$ 15,067
153 Backers
  • Contributing $ 16

    The solidaire

    With this contribution you collaborate in a solidarity way in the project and enter the draw of a Pack Potrer: T-shirt, bag and a homemade bread bar.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 07 Backers
  • Contributing $ 21

    "Mas del Potro Bag"

    Fabric bag made with 100% organic cotton printed in the screen printing workshop of the CSOA Ca'ls Frares d'Alcoi
    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    This is the outline of the design that we will print. We are perfecting the idea and, in short, we will upload finished models.

    > 19 Backers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Linocut "Ruralitzem els cossos" and a draw for a bioconstruction course at the Mas

    Self-styled print according to the linocut technique with black ink. Made by @saretat. With the print, you enter a draw for a participation in a bioconstruction course to be determined.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 13 Backers
  • Contributing $ 32

    "Mas del Potro" t-shirt

    T-shirt made with 100% organic cotton and printed in the workshop of the CSOA Ca'ls Frares d'Alcoi.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    This is the outline of the design that we will print. We are perfecting the idea and, in short, we will upload finished models.

    > 24 Backers
  • Contributing $ 43

    T-shirt and bag

    It includes a fabric bag and a t-shirt made with 100% eco-friendly cotton and printed in the silkscreen printing workshop of CSOA Ca'ls Frares d'Alcoi.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 24 Backers
  • Contributing $ 48

    La terapia de alzar margen

    Esta participación contempla la estadía de dos días y una noche en el Mas. Durante estos días se realizará un curso de "trabajo con la técnica de la piedra seca, el cual estará impartido por gente que trabaja en la materia. Están incluidas las comidas y el alojamiento.

    El grupo será máximo de diez personas y la fecha se elegirá de manera consensuada entre la primavera y el verano de 2022.

    *Desafortunadamente, el espacio no posibilita el acceso de personas con movilidad reducida porque el mas no tiene acceso a vehículos motorizados.

    Financiar proyectos sociales también desgrava en la Declaración de la Renta. En esta recompensa de 45€, el gasto real es de 9€ y Hacienda te devuelve 36€. Puedes comprobarlo en la Calculadora Fiscal de

    Si lo desea, independientemente de la recompensa, tu nombre o el de tu entidad aparecerá en nuestra página web

    > 02 Backers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Get to know the project

    Participation in a bioconstruction course during a weekend in the spring-summer of 2022. Meals and overnight accommodation are included. Groups are limited to 10 people.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 19 Backers
  • Contributing $ 86

    4 months Bread Subscription

    With the bakery subscription, you will have a weekly distribution of 1 kg bread for 4 months. Pick up at an exact place and time in Alcoi or surrounding villages.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 02 Backers
  • Contributing $ 107

    Sponsor a patch

    It is a solidarity and symbolic contribution for individuals and groups with which one of the many terraces that run up to the rocks would be given the name they like. The name will also appear on our illustrated map of the Mas environment.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 21 Backers
  • Contributing $ 214

    Explore the enviroment

    We propose a stay of two nights with all meals included in the Mas del Potro. You will be part of the project and you will be able to enjoy the environment, especially if you are familiar with mountain hiking or climbing.

    This reward includes * groups of one to four adults (girls and boys who wish).

    The date, which would be chosen by consensus, would be 2022.

    *Unfortunately, the space does not allow access to people with reduced mobility because the Mas does not have access to motorized vehicles.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 05 Backers
  • Contributing $ 375

    The Catapult

    It is the reward with the greatest financial amount that we propose. The Catapult is aimed at those people or entities who believe in the project and want to promote it. You will be made a memorial tile on the walls of the Mas, if you wish.

    In addition, as an addition, you will receive a basket with seasonal products from our harvest.

    If you wish, regardless of the reward, your name or that of your entity will appear on our website.

    > 02 Backers


30 | 11 | 2021

🟡 10 DIES 🟡
Arribar al màxim possible en la campanya de finançament vol dir donar al projecte major autonomia, sobirania i força en ell mateix.
Existim; dignifiquem i fem possibles altres models, també rurals!

El Barranc ressona perquè el Potro viu! ✴️ Corre a contar-ho als teus!


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