Rupa Nepal

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Finished 15 / 06 / 2014
$ 2,550
$ 2,062
$ 4,124
37 Backers
  • Contributing $ 5

    Thanks + Wallpaper

    There are no small contributions, everything counts! :) In appreciation for your support your name will appear in the book and the website, and we will send you a wallpaper with images from the project so you can place it as a desktop.

    > 02 Backers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Thanks + Wallpaper + Digital pictures

    You get all the previous thing + a digital kit with 10 images from the project (photos & drawings from the children in high ressolution)

    > 05 Backers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Thanks + Wallpaper + Digital & printed pictures

    You get all the previous things + printed photos & drawings from the children, to choose between 5 postcards or a print of 20 x 30 cm.

    > 10 Backers
  • Contributing $ 38

    Thanks + Wallpaper + Digital & printed pictures + Nepalese handicrafts

    You get all the previous things and we also bring you from Kathmandu some colourful Tibetan prayer flags.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Thanks + Wallpaper + Signed book!

    You get the Rupa Nepal book, specially signed and dedicated for you!!! Your name will appear in the credits of the book and the website and we will also send you a wallpaper.

    > 06 Backers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Thanks + Wallpaper + Digital & printed pictures (special kit) + Nepalese handicrafts + Signed book + 2 prints from us

    Many thanks for your support! Your name will appear in the book and website, you get the wallpaper + tibetan prayer flags + the book, specially signed & dedicated. You also get the special kit of digital pictures (which includes 10 extra images from our own experiencie in Nepal) and 2 pictures (photos & drawings from us) printed in 20 x 30 cm.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing $ 271

    Thanks + Wallpaper + Digital & printed pictures (special kit) + Nepalese handicrafts + 2 Signed books + 2 prints from us + Drawing or photo lessons

    You're our super sponsor!! See everything you get: Our thanks in the book and website + wallpaper + Tibetan prayer flags + the book, specially signed & dedicated + the special kit of digital pictures (which includes 10 extra images from our own experiencie in Nepal) + 2 pictures (photos & drawings from us) printed in 20 x 30 cm...and also you get another book! and a pack of 5 hours of photography and/or drawing lessons delivered from us (if you are not in Barcelona you can transfer to anyone you like).

    > 01 Backers

Meditación en el día a día + Presentación de Rupa Nepal

21 | 04 | 2014
Meditación en el día a día + Presentación de Rupa Nepal

¡Os presentamos nuestro primer evento! ¡Por fin vamos a vernos las caras!

El próximo lunes 28 de Abril estará con nosotros en Barcelona nuestro amigo Karma Tenpa, monje budista, co-fundador de Creciendo en Nepal, y alma máter de Rupa Nepal.

Nos hablará sobre la Meditación en el día a día y haremos una pequeña meditación guiada por él. También charlaremos sobre el proyecto Rupa Nepal.

Aportación sugerida de 5€ que irán destinados al proyecto Rupa Nepal.

Os recordamos que podéis traer cámaras digitales que ya no uséis para que las llevemos a los niños.

Para organizar mejor el espacio en la sala, os agradecemos que confirméis vuestra asistencia por mail a

Lunes, 28 de abril de 18:00 a 19:45
Centre psicopedagògic Kiona
Aragó 343, Barcelona

¡Os esperamos! ¡Compartid el evento para que llegue a más gente!


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