Finished 02 / 01 / 2019
£ 9,909
£ 6,846
£ 12,836
321 Backers
  • Contributing £ 9

    Recognition of your contribution

    We thank you very much for your contribution to be able to pay the legal claim against the irregularities of the Macromuelle de Agaete project! You will receive an acknowledgment email.

    > 79 Backers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Public acknowledgment of your contribution

    We thank you very much for your contribution to be able to pay the legal claim against the irregularities of the Macromuelle de Agaete project! In addition to the recognition email you will appear on the public thank-you poster on social networks (poster in jpeg).

    > 71 Backers
  • Contributing £ 43

    Personalized diploma as a savior of Agaete without MacroMuelle

    Besides the public recognition in social networks (poster in jpeg) you will receive a diploma designed with your name as savior of Agaete without MacroMuelle, you can print it out and stick it on your fridge ;)

    > 40 Backers
  • Contributing £ 86

    Personalized diploma as savior of Agaete without MacroMuelle + cotton bag with exclusive design

    In addition to all the acknowledgments of the world both publicly and privately with your digital saviour diploma, you will receive a cotton bag from Save Agaete with an exclusive design of the artist Lia Ateca.

    > 18 Backers
  • Contributing £ 86

    Support ACTIVIST

    If in an assembly of your association, collective, business, company or group of friends you have joined together to make a joint donation and support the legal cause, we will include you with the rest of the allies of the legal process. Thank you!

    > 07 Backers
  • Contributing £ 214

    visit to farms + cotton bag with exclusive design

    Guided tour in a agaete farm including tasting of products. Wine tasting, with cheese and toasted bread; and coffee with cake; including a guided tour of the finca, you will receive a cotton bag from Save Agaete with an exclusive design of the artist Lia Ateca.

    > 00 Backers
Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
3 days are nothing! If you haven't contributed yet, what are you waiting for? These guys already did it.
One week left in this all-or-nothing round. You have nothing to loose because we can do everything together.

El Gobierno de Canarias aplicó importantes dosis de maquillaje en la justificación de los fondos #FEDER para el proyecto de ampliación del muelle.

No es que nos sorprenda, pero la verdad es que da vergüenza ajena leer los argumentos con los que desde el Gobierno de Canarias intentan justificar lo injustificable.

En este artículo publicado por Silvia Álamo (@SilviAlamoo)...

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El 81,5 por ciento de la población de Agaete está en contra de la ampliación de Las Nieves

El Ayuntamiento encarga una encuesta para palpar la opinión ciudadana.
El Ayuntamiento de Agaete, a través de la Concejalía de Medio Ambiente que dirige el alcalde Juan Ramón Martín, ha encargado la realización de una encuesta a las vecinas...

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El proyecto de macromuelle de Agaete: autoritarismo político, interés general y destrucción ambiental

A estas alturas es casi incuestionable que la determinación del Gobierno de Canarias de aprobar y licitar el proyecto de ampliación del puerto de Agaete es un acto político totalmente autoritario que responde, únicamente, a las demandas...

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Yipie! Funding goal achieved!
Has it been already 20 days of campaign? Time to remember non monetary contributions.
This is almost done! All-or-nothing but still reachable!
Two hundred contributors already... It's not just a campaign, its a dream machine!
After a week campaigning, we remind you our reasons (click here).
Drop after drop, donation after donation, help us to achieve our goals (click here).

Ya estamos en el JUZGADO

Sumando apoyos de decenas de miles de ciudadan@s ya estamos en el JUZGADO. Desde la pasada semana hemos emprendido acciones legales y comenzado con una campaña de crowdfundig en con el fin de hacer frente...

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Getting here has merit: 50% of the funding goal is over!
This is what we want to do and these is who we are.
We are nearly 100, feel like giving it a try and help us reach that?

Gran Canaria no quiere perder el norte

El Salto,proyecto formado por cerca de 200 personas y cerca de 7.000 socios/as que apuesta por un periodismo radicalmente diferente, publica un árticulo titulado [Gran Canaria no quiere perder...

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20% of our funding goal already achieved, this is moving on!
First few donations, thanks! :)
This campaign kicks off!