Warscape Sonata

Filed on 25 / 03 / 2012
£ 269
£ 1,238
£ 1,323
11 Backers
  • Contributing £ 4

    Every donations counts!

    Your name in the project's website and mentions during the performances.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing £ 26

    Audio CD limited edition

    Your name in the website + 1 audio CD special edition. Personal deliver in Barcelona city or mail delivery.

    > 03 Backers
  • Contributing £ 43

    Be my Sponsor for the audio CD

    Public recognition + Your name or banner printed in the CD's booklet (off course We can deliver you by postal mail :)

    > 01 Backers

We're on Musix's blog! :) Why to use free software in art creation?

11 | 03 | 2012
We're on Musix's blog! :) Why to use free software in art creation?

Every multimedia piece contained and distributed by Warscape Sonata are free to use without restrictions.

There are a huge and passionate community of coders, hackers and artist behind powerful pieces of software that you can use freely!

Musix and Dynebolic GNU/Linux distributions had everything you need to create and communicate freely!

When you use GNU/Linux Free Software for your art creations, you are supporting Free Culture as well, and this is in benefit of the whole society.

We're really happy to receive the colaboration of Musix GNU/Linux community, that is one of the most important and powerful distribution I had been using for years!



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