Finished 18 / 01 / 2021
€ 10.000
€ 9.200
€ 11.601
207 Backers
  • Contributing € 10

    Tightrope walker apprentice.

    3-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 10, the farm returns € 8. Check it out [here] (

    > 24 Backers
  • Contributing € 20

    Strongman in training

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of Mundo Malabares (
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 20, the farm gives you back € 16. Check it out [here] (

    > 20 Backers
  • Contributing € 25

    The unconditional

    Guaranteed entry to the opening show in the new marquee.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 25, the farm gives you back € 20. Check it out [here] (

    > 27 Backers
  • Contributing € 40

    The duo wonders.

    Two tickets for the inaugural Gala of the new marquee or for the closing show of the course.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 40, the hacienda returns € 32. Check it out [here] (

    > 20 Backers
  • Contributing € 40

    Human cannon of goodness.

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    1 online class or 3 face-to-face in the Tent of the stars.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 40, the hacienda returns € 32. Check it out [here] (

    > 07 Backers
  • Contributing € 55

    The family visit.

    3 tickets for the inaugural Gala of the new marquee or for the closing show of the course.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 55, the farm gives you back € 44. Check it out [here] (

    > 19 Backers
  • Contributing € 80

    Orchestra conductor

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    2 online classes or 6 face-to-face in the Tent of the stars.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 80, the farm gives you € 64. Check it out [here] (

    > 05 Backers
  • Contributing € 100

    Track Master

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    2 online classes or 6 face-to-face in the Tent of the stars.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 80, the farm gives you € 64. Check it out [here] (

    > 14 Backers
  • Contributing € 500

    "Il Medicci"

    Participation in a draw for circus material, courtesy of
    6-month membership as a member of the MEC.
    15 on-line classes or a term in the classes you want in the Tent of the stars.
    Free admission to all the shows that take place in La Carpa de las Estrellas in the next 3 years.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 500, the farm gives you back € 242.5. If you are a company, it returns € 175. Check it out [here] (

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing € 5.000

    Magnanimous philanthropist

    Circus cabaret style private show.
    Surprise basket (valued at more than € 500), courtesy of and the MEC.
    Life membership as a member of the MEC.
    15 on-line classes and free classes in perpetuity, in the classes you want, in the Tent of the stars.
    Free admission to all the shows that take place in La Carpa de las Estrellas forever.
    Open bar of refreshments within the facilities of the enclosure at any time of the day.
    Digital album with the history of the project with a personal thank you.
    A place in our heart.

    Remember that when you donate you can deduct up to 80% of the total amount. You contribute € 5,000, the farm returns € 1,817.5. If you are a company, it returns € 1,750. Check it out [here] (

    > 00 Backers


29 | 11 | 2020

¡Ya tenemos ganadores!
El pasado viernes y en riguroso directo, realizamos un sorteo de equipamento de circo gentileza de, una forma de recabar apoyos para la campaña, homenajear a nuestro co-financiadores y de paso, compartir algo que nos fascina y motiva; EL CIRCO.

Esperamos que pronto puedan disfrutar su premio y nos gustaría verlos entrenando en nuestra nueva carpa; Juntos, gota a gota, lo estamos consiguiendo...

Los agraciados son:

1er Premio: Dogy del Río Portero Pack de 3 mazas + 3 Antorchas.
O bono de 120 Euros en Material de

2do Premio, nivel iniciación: Ana Aranda Gomez
Diábolo Henry´s Beach con palos incluidos, kit de bolas de semillas Henry´s Stretch con tubo de transporte, tres mazas Junggle Dream Trainer, plato chino Henrys con palo, cariocas JD Mini Spinner Premium, devil Stick Mister Babage Atomium de Rebote, con palos.
O bono de 100 Euros. En Material de

3er premio-manipulación: Rafael Ramos Rodriguez.
3 pelotas acrílicas premium de 70 mm y 1 pelota acrílica de 100 mm.

Mas alla de comunicar los resultados, el equipo de la carpa quería agradecer el apoyo a los co-financiadores; A los que nos conocen personalmente y a los que nunca nos han visto; a las personas con las que hemos compartido tiempo, espacio y vivencias, a los que nos conocen del pueblo, a los que nos conocián "de oidas" y a los que les sonabamos "de algo". A los compañeros del mundo de las "artes" y a los que supieron de nosotros mediante esta campaña y decidieron respaldarnos, A TODOS...

Nos faltan solo diez dias y aun necesitamos muchos apoyos, pero...
¡gracias a todos vosotros lo que hace un mes parecia inalcanzable esta cada vez mas cerca!

Estamos creando pequeñas estrellas...
Colabora para que nuestro cielo se llene de ellas...


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