ReseteArt, un espacio creativo y libre de violencia de género

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Finished 25 / 04 / 2019
£ 4,283
£ 4,223
£ 16,471
87 Backers
  • Contributing £ 4


    Appreciation on the web. Your name will appear on our website as patrons of this project. Thank you, every drop counts!
    In addition, you can have detailed information about the project process via email, if you wish.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing £ 8


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant
    Your name will appear on our website as a patron of the project and we will also imprint your name, along with the rest of the patrons, in the pots of the local plants

    > 17 Backers
  • Contributing £ 25


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant + cloth bag (shipping to Spain)
    Your name will appear on our website as a sponsor of the project. We will put your name, along with the rest of the patrons, in the flowerpots of the local plants and you will receive a cotton cloth bag with a nice silkscreen.

    > 14 Backers
  • Contributing £ 42


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant + cloth bag (shipped to Spain) + tile
    In addition to all the previous rewards, we will print your name or that of your entity in a tile so that your patronage is part of the space, forever.

    > 24 Backers
  • Contributing £ 63


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant + cloth bag (shipped to Spain) + tile + invitation to the inauguration.
    In addition to all the previous rewards and also we invite you to the opening of the premises, where we will explain the whole process and you can know first hand the result of all the work done and your donations.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing £ 84


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant + cloth bag (shipping Spain) + tile + 1 use of the premises for 2 hours
    You will receive the previous rewards and you will also have the opportunity to make 1 use of the space to start up social activities, related to the spirit of the project, during 2 hours.

    > 07 Backers
  • Contributing £ 253


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant + cloth bag (Spain shipping) + tile + 1 use of the premises for 2 hours + 1 2-hour training workshop on gender or participation techniques for up to 15 people (to be held in the store).
    In addition to all the previous rewards you can count on our entity to facilitate a training session of 2 hours, on gender or participation techniques.

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing £ 507


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant + cloth bag (Spain shipping) + tile + 1 use of the premises for 2 hours + 1 2-hour training workshop on gender or participation techniques for up to 15 people (to be held in the local) + 1 working session of 4 hours on work methodologies for organizational improvement for teams of no more than 15 people (will be held in the local)
    You will receive the above rewards and your entity or group will receive a session on work methodologies for organizational improvement.

    > 00 Backers

Faltan solo 23 días. Nos ayudas a conseguir nuestro objetivo?

21 | 02 | 2019
Faltan solo 23 días. Nos ayudas a conseguir nuestro objetivo?

Cada vez quedan menos días para conseguir llegar al mínimo de 9.000 € que necesitamos para reformar el local y poner en marcha el proyecto Reseteart.

Necesitamos llegar al máximo de personas posibles, por eso os pedimos que hagais llegar la campaña a todos vuestros contactos, tanto nacionales como internacionales, ya que hemos traducido el proyecto a inglés y francés.

Aprovechamos para agradecer las nuevas aportaciones de:

  • Fatima
  • Alessia
  • Santi
  • Ana
  • Ana María
  • Alberto
  • Ángela
  • Carlos
  • @FGquero
  • Marina
  • Julieta
  • Pedro
  • Manuel
  • Alejandro*

Además os recordamos que DONAR desgrava en tu declaración de la renta entre un 30% y un 75% del importe de tu donación


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