ReseteArt, un espacio creativo y libre de violencia de género

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Finished 25 / 04 / 2019
$ 5,429
$ 5,353
$ 20,875
87 Backers
  • Contributing $ 5


    Appreciation on the web. Your name will appear on our website as patrons of this project. Thank you, every drop counts!
    In addition, you can have detailed information about the project process via email, if you wish.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing $ 11


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant
    Your name will appear on our website as a patron of the project and we will also imprint your name, along with the rest of the patrons, in the pots of the local plants

    > 17 Backers
  • Contributing $ 32


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant + cloth bag (shipping to Spain)
    Your name will appear on our website as a sponsor of the project. We will put your name, along with the rest of the patrons, in the flowerpots of the local plants and you will receive a cotton cloth bag with a nice silkscreen.

    > 14 Backers
  • Contributing $ 54


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant + cloth bag (shipped to Spain) + tile
    In addition to all the previous rewards, we will print your name or that of your entity in a tile so that your patronage is part of the space, forever.

    > 24 Backers
  • Contributing $ 80


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant + cloth bag (shipped to Spain) + tile + invitation to the inauguration.
    In addition to all the previous rewards and also we invite you to the opening of the premises, where we will explain the whole process and you can know first hand the result of all the work done and your donations.

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing $ 107


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant + cloth bag (shipping Spain) + tile + 1 use of the premises for 2 hours
    You will receive the previous rewards and you will also have the opportunity to make 1 use of the space to start up social activities, related to the spirit of the project, during 2 hours.

    > 07 Backers
  • Contributing $ 321


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant + cloth bag (Spain shipping) + tile + 1 use of the premises for 2 hours + 1 2-hour training workshop on gender or participation techniques for up to 15 people (to be held in the store).
    In addition to all the previous rewards you can count on our entity to facilitate a training session of 2 hours, on gender or participation techniques.

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing $ 642


    Appreciation on the web + adoption of a plant + cloth bag (Spain shipping) + tile + 1 use of the premises for 2 hours + 1 2-hour training workshop on gender or participation techniques for up to 15 people (to be held in the local) + 1 working session of 4 hours on work methodologies for organizational improvement for teams of no more than 15 people (will be held in the local)
    You will receive the above rewards and your entity or group will receive a session on work methodologies for organizational improvement.

    > 00 Backers

About this project

Let's build a living and open place, full of culture and art, to empower ourselves in the face of patriarchal violence.

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Interior design process design
Collaborative design of the space based on the needs of the users and neighbours, making the premises a space to live it, flexible and adaptable to the different needs that may arise
$ 2,676
Facade intervention process design.
Design of the exterior work based on the principles of bioclimatism and urban ecosystem. Local planimetry survey, ideation and design of participatory process, incorporation of wishes and objectives of users and neighbours to the design and supervision of intervention and management of permits and corresponding work licenses.
$ 2,141
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Conditioning of interior work. (plumbing/electricity).
Renovation of the interior installation of the space, adaptation of the elements of plumbing, electricity, air conditioning and ventilation
$ 2,676
Conditioning of roofs, floors and vertical elements, interior enclosures, dividing walls and facade.
Intervention in interior conditioning of masonry elements, finishes and coatings
$ 6,423
Adapted bathroom
Masonry and plumbing for the construction of the bathroom and adaptation of the WC.
$ 2,676
Purchase furniture such as blackboards, cabinets, chairs and tables.
$ 2,141
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Facade conditioning.
Acquisition of the necessary material for the conditioning of the exterior facade, organization of the works, intervention process, supervision of the works.
$ 2,141
Total $ 5,353 $ 20,875

General information

ReseteArt is a social intervention program with an active gender perspective that promotes a comprehensive approach to the prevention of addictions and gender violence with young people in leisure contexts. The program aim is to transform social beliefs and related myths with drug use and gender violence that entails so much gender inequality and risks.
For this, it articulates a series of training activities and experiential workshops, aimed at provoking a transformation in the integral approach of youth and to create an experiential process that helps them to understand the patriarchal structure, on which most of their behaviors are based, to dismantle them. The process uses artistic creation techniques to achieve the objectives.
Now, to increase the scope and transformation capacity of the program, we want to reform an old disused premises near La Alameda de Sevilla. In this area hundreds of young people go out every weekend and we want to have a multipurpose space that allows the realization of training activities, awareness and artistic creation.
The reform will be made following the principles of ecological and social sustainability with a feminist perspective and encouraging the participation of the neighbourhood and vulnerable people. We believe that the use of empty urban spaces is in itself an opportunity to improve the quality of daily life of neighbouring people. It is considered, therefore, that the impact of the project begins from the beginning, considering the reform of the physical space an opportunity to generate social transformation in the users and neighbours.
Also, considering a gender perspective on the urban fact and on the transformative capacity of the spaces we inhabit, it will be fundamental to consider neighbouring people as users and protagonists, including them in the design and decision making process. The materialization of the elements that end up configuring the space will also incorporate the principles of bioclimatic design, so that all the layers of the project have this inclusive perspective and global transformation.
The architectural solution will respond to the consideration that the built element should be a container where "what’s possible" happens, where things are not limited and where the passage of time and different needs can be accommodated.

Description of the project. Main features, strengths and differentials.

The ReseteArt project is structured around three pillars: youth, drugs and gender violence. It is an integrating project, which starts from the vision of social transformation for the prevention of violence in leisure contexts.
Our objectives are:
• Expand and give continuity to the ReseteArt program.
• Have a place adapted to the needs of the program and close to the context of Sevillian nightlife in the Alameda.
• Carry out a reform under bioclimatic design principles, including the neighbouring people as co-protagonists and integrating the solution in the neighbourhood.
• Incorporate the work of people at risk of social exclusion for their training and social incorporation.
• Encourage the participation of the people of the neighbourhood, making their own and promoting connected daily life.
• Introduce the feminist vision in each and every one of the actions carried out in the space.

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Why this is important

In recent years, we have seen situations in which nightlife is presented as a scene of sexual violence and sexist, where the consumption of alcohol and other substances promotes these situations.
In the field of prevention and harm reduction, the specificity of sexual violence in leisure contexts and especially in nightlife, makes it necessary to launch specific actions that address these issues: prevention of substance use / abuse (especially alcohol, as it is the substance most consumed in different age groups and different sexes), gender violence, leisure spaces and young people. The high tolerance of our society to certain abusive behaviours of a sexual nature, has helped to hide the phenomenon.
Now we seek that the program grows and installs in new spaces, closer to the scenarios in which these situations occur, so we intend to reform a room, adapted for the use of people with functional diversity, in which they can develop this and other prevention, awareness and training programs.
We start from a sustainable vision at all levels, in which we will propose a participatory process with the cooperation of the citizens, considering that the neighbouring people are the protagonists of the neighbourhoods they inhabit and are the experts in them.
The architectural must consider the context that surrounds it in all its layers of reality and take into account the ways of life of people and respect the environment in which it is located. We also understand the process of putting space into use as a transforming element, which is why it will be considered to include people at risk of exclusion in construction phases, encouraging their social incorporation.

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Team and experience

The Federación Andaluza Enlace is an organization that brings together social associations from all over Andalusia that work in the field of addictions and social exclusion. It has a consolidated team that has been working for more than 25 years in the prevention of drug consumption and in creating a more equal and gender-free violence community.
The program has been developed throughout 2018, fulfilling and exceeding the objectives and expectations, so we want, in this 2019, reach the maximum possible young people. For this, it is necessary to have an open space that encourages participation and that is accessible and attractive to youth.
For this reason, the Enlace team seeks to put all their experience and effort into having an adapted space, in which is lodged in particular the ReseteArt project and in general all kinds of initiatives to prevent the consumption of substances and prevention of violence sexual
Enlace has a consolidated technical and managerial team involved in the project and a network of almost 100 entities throughout Andalusia. For the Crowfunding campaign we have three people involved in its planning and dissemination and a volunteer person in charge of the work of disseminating the campaign.
In addition, in this project Cotidiana, the study of architecture is involved, which will help the driving team in all the tasks that the campaign demands, both in its dissemination and in the work of execution. Cotidiana is a cooperative three women architects with a vocation to participate, from the south and in women, in the construction of other ways of understanding the city and living, which involves accompanying existing processes from the most intimate to the common: housing, home, urban environments and anthropized territories, with an attitude of listening, respect and care, in the search for creative solutions.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.