Be a part of Missex's first vinyl and digital album

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Finished 10 / 09 / 2023
£ 3,925
£ 2,332
£ 6,875
104 Backers
  • Contributing £ 15

    I'll take it

    Missex printed bag
    Delivery in Barcelona on the day of the album release.
    Does not include shipping in Spain or outside Spain.
    pst! remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to consult the tax calculator: (

    > 21 Backers
  • Contributing £ 24

    I dance it

    Vinyl + Digital download of the album elecotroguarritrop
    Delivery in Barcelona the day of the album release.
    Does not include shipping in Spain or outside Spain.
    pst! remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to consult the tax calculator: (

    > 21 Backers
  • Contributing £ 25

    Missex special collection t-shirt

    Missex special collection t-shirt
    Delivery in Barcelona on the day of the album release.
    Does not include shipping in Spain or outside Spain.

    > 18 Backers
  • Contributing £ 36

    I'll dance it off and take it with me

    Vinyl + Digital download + Bag + Missex Postcard

    Delivery in Barcelona the day of the album release.
    Does not include shipping in Spain or outside Spain.
    pst!!Only in Spain remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to check the tax calculator: (

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Unique and plurisex underpants+Vinyl + Digital download

    Underpants manufactured by AIchh+ Vinyl +Digital download
    Does not include shipping in Spain or outside Spain.
    Tax refund*:140€.
    Your real expense will be 10 €.

    pst!! only in Spain remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to consult the tax calculator: (

    > 04 Backers
  • Contributing £ 47

    Entrance to the Goteo celebration in Barcelona+Digital download + tote bag

    Entrance to the celebration of Goteo in Barcelona+Digital download
    Private Party in Barcelona with SHow de Missex
    pst! Only in Spain remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to consult the tax calculator: (

    > 02 Backers
  • Contributing £ 59

    I am in electroguarritrop mode

    Missex special collection T-shirt + Vinyl +Digital download + Bag
    Delivery in Barcelona the day of the album release.
    Does not include shipping in Spain or outside Spain.
    pst! Only in Spain remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to consult the tax calculator: (

    > 02 Backers
  • Contributing £ 424

    I enjoy it*.

    Missex DJ set of 1 hour + bag + sticker+postcard+digital download
    *transport and sound not included

    pst! Only in Spain remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to check the tax calculator: (

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing £ 763

    I came with all *

    Missex private concert + Vinyl + digital download + bag + Missex postcard and Sticker

    Transport and sound not included

    pst! Only in Spain remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to consult the tax calculator: (

    > 00 Backers

About this project

Help us to materialize in analog and digital, our anti-racist, queer, feminist and partying message.🔥🌈❤‍🔥

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Manufacture and processing of 250 vinyls
£ 1,696
Production for bags
Production of 50 bags + silkscreen printing
£ 297
2 video clips
Support for the production of the video clip Somos Migras and editing of a second video clip Baila la almeja.
£ 1,272
Participación en Womex
El Womex es un festival de música muy importante al cual quisiéramos ir este año para poder encontrarnos con diferentes agentes musicales de diferentes países y poder enseñarles nuestro disco con el fin de poder programar nuestro 2024.
£ 261
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Percentage going to Goteo for their support
£ 636
Financial Manager
This person will be in charge of our accounting to have everything correct in front of the tax authorities.
£ 127
Advertising in social networks
We want to have a lot of movement in the networks and we want many people to know about it.
£ 127
Unique designs of Missex T-shirts, with different types of fabric. There will be two models in different sizes. The t-shirts will also have silkscreen printing.
£ 424
Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Design and layout of Missex Album, Postcards and Stickers.
£ 678
Web Site Support
Acknowledge the work of the person who helped us with the assembly of the website.
£ 170
Mix and Mastering
when you want a vinyl, you must master twice, once a digital mix and master and once an analog mix and master.
£ 678
Space for rehearsals
We need a place with all the infrastructure to be able to rehearse well that has a screen and the necessary amplification for our rehearsals.
£ 509
Total £ 2,332 £ 6,875

General information

Missex is a queer and anti-racist character who presents himself masked to give space to any identity behind the mask. Through his body and voice, he supports minorities that become majorities in anti-racist, transfeminist and LGTBIQ+ struggles. Together with Nea, his partner, they created the musical genre electrogruarritrop, a mix of tropical electroclash. Together they present a show that fuses music, performance and visual arts with their own songs. This year they plan to release their first album in digital and analog format with a vinyl.

Description of the project. Main features, strengths and differentials.

Summer is coming and with this heat #YoGoteoConMissex and we need more hands to get the Electroguarritrop to reach and drip in different places and spaces thanks to you, your friends, your family, your neighbors.

After these elections in Spain we can't expect much from the institutions so now is when we need to organize, manage and support each other.

Here we will tell you how the money you contribute to our campaign #YoGoteoConMissex will be managed.

If we reach a minimum we will be able to cover the following objectives:

Recording of vocals for the album which will be recorded in the studio of our collaborator Pol Moreno Hoffman.

Mixing and mastering of music and vocals. We have to do two types of mixing and mastering, one digital and the other analog.

Layout and vinyl artwork by Adriana Torres who also from the beginning has been supporting us and we want to acknowledge her work and support.

Vinyl production and pressing which can take between 7 and 8 weeks. We plan to release about 250 vinyls ahhhh what a thrill !

While the vinyl is being created we will be preparing all our merchandising and rewards for those who have supported us.

Renting rehearsal space.
We will also be concentrating on preparing the release of the album and rehearsals for the new show which is loaded with visuals, new choreographies and songs.

And... of course we will continue giving Concerts so don't hesitate to call us to come to where you are or better if you support the campaign you can get a concert and get a trin tax deduction !!!!.

If we achieve the minimum and move to the optimum we can achieve even more dreams.

Better our Web Page we have achieved it thanks to the contribution and help of Sebastian Bravo who has been a collaborator since the first moment in this project, we are still building it, it is already active you can take a look ;)

new video clip, currently we have 3 of our videos in networks, but if we reach the goals we will be able to create a new video and finish editing one we have pending.

Elaboration of more merchandaising for our concerts.

**Supporting our trip to be at Womex in October.

We are generating new alliances and productions with other artists surprise in April we will be with Dani Boom from Systema Solar, in June with La Terrorista del sabor and more are coming.

We calculate that for the second semester of 2023 we will have the Launching of the album with the whole show (we think it could be September).

Presentations in different festivals and places

So for this 2023 we plan to tour Spain and we have already been called from Italy and Austria and 2024 we plan our tour in Latin America ehhhh and so on with the march and the full power to record our second album.

img-20221110-140348.jpg missex-latinopowerbta.jpg

Why this is important

Our main motivation is to be able to materialize the creation and efforts of these years of work, open roads in other places and scenarios, so we believe that the album is a step we have to take to advance our career and what better way to do it than in a collective way.

We believe in our project, which over time has been growing, El Electroguarritrop started with songs that were party songs and irony and then we put our lyrics that questioned the law of foreigners, having a king, talking about gender, music, dance, staging are our tools. We need to generate memory that is not only digital, we also want the object, the vinyl, the memory. For us vinyl is a symbol of the classic of yesterday, today and always.

This project is addressed to all those who have believed in it from the first minute, for those who saw us in a demonstration, in a neighborhood party until we reached big stages like the Apolo or Primavera Pro. For the lady who danced the clam and blushed and did not stop dancing, For the anti-racist collective who will also have the voice and the opportunity to be on the microphone of the stage where we are mounted. For all the LGTBIQ+ collective who have been present in all our growth and of which we are part of.


Team and experience

Missex was born thanks to the union of two artists, a performer (Missex) and a musician (NEA) we ask you please not to reveal our identity. Missex is a director, performer, singer and Dj. Nea is a musician, Director and Audiovisual Producer.
In 2019, this project was born and chosen by BAM Cultura Viva within the Merce festivities (Barcelona's Festival) among more than 620 projects.
It has been presented in various renowned venues in Barcelona such as: Sala Apolo, Sidecar, El Pacha BCN, Fabra i Coats, Candy Darling, Diobar. In Madrid at La Sala Caracol with Guacamayo tropical party, and in Bogota Colombia at Latino Power.

He won the audience award in Talentos Churros con Chocolate. He participates in various stages: Furia Queer, de(s)generadas, Fiestas de poble sec, Fiestas de la floresta, Unyas y dientes, Kobraqueer, Cabaret empodera`t Dona Canço, Semana Queer Barcelona.

Participates in festivals WienWohen 2019 (festival of art and activism) Austria Vienna, Femme Scandal in 2019 France, , festival de solos Costa Rica, festival femnoise 2021, Roboexotica 2021 and 2022 Austria, Bogotrax 2022 Colombia, Meneo dissident 2022 Ateneu de Nou Barris. Primavera Pro 2022.

"La madre que nos parió" a winning project of the Iberescena fund of which she was part with her character and songs.

Adriana Torres Designer and illustrator of the Missex cover, postcards, steckers.
*Industrial designer from the Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, Master in Digital Arts at the Universidad Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona and Master in space and design strategies at the University of Art and Design in Linz.
Her areas of interest are: consumption, migration, the private and the public, the relationship between new and low technologies around the human body, collective and interdisciplinary creation, design and methodology, materials research, consumerism, up-cycling and the social impact of design and the arts.

Pol Moreno Hoffman Recording, Arranging, Mixing and Mastering Studio
Artist who produces live music. His production scheme starts in the programming of rhythmic and melodic cells that function as the skeleton and foundation to build an environment. He also participates in academic scenarios such as Digital Lab, music production workshops, and the SAE Institute, as a professor of electronic music for 4 years. After years of experience, Pol Moreno lands his trajectory as an artist to his studio, his sound laboratory.

Isabel Moncayo.
*Clothing designer and designer of most of Missex's wardrobe.

May Tropidelia
*Missex Costume Designer
Fabrica rarita
Silkscreen printing

Silkscreen printing underpants and some t-shirts.

Patilla Estudio
Silkscreen printing
Missex bags

Camila Gomez y Luna Andradade
*Clam Video Editing

Fes Cultura

Missex project consulting
Incubator of cultural projects with social impact. A community of artists, creators, students and cultural professionals that explores collaborative and agile ways of learning to facilitate the design of transformative cultural proposals.

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development