Filtros purificadores contra la Crisis del Agua

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Finished 14 / 01 / 2021
$ 8,155
$ 5,397
$ 18,504
156 Backers
  • Contributing $ 11


    Thank you very much for contributing to the project. Your name will appear in the “Water Heros” section of our website, as well as in the thank you video that we will make after the campaign.

    > 28 Backers
  • Contributing $ 16

    Postcard + Acknowledgment

    In addition to showing your name in the water hero section on our website, we will send you a digital postcard with photos of the places where we have distributed filters so far.

    > 05 Backers
  • Contributing $ 21

    Postcard + T-shirt Giveaway with exclusive illustration

    In addition to showing your name in the water hero section on our website, and sending you the digital postcard, you will enter the draw for a “Water Hero” t-shirt

    > 21 Backers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Exclusive illustration poster + Postcard

    In addition to showing your name in the water hero section on our website and sending you the digital postcard, we will send you a digital drawing, in which your name will appear.

    > 02 Backers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Tote bag + Exclusive illustration + Postcard

    In addition of showing your name in water hero section on our website, and sending you the digital postcard, we will send you a personalized tote bag, with which you can avoid the use of plastic bags while contributing your drop against the water crisis.

    > 02 Backers
  • Contributing $ 48

    Filtro multiusos

    Además de mostrar tu nombre en los agradecimientos, serás de los primeros en recibir una de nuestros filtros multiusos, que elimina el 99.999% de todas las bacterias, impurezas y microplásticos.

    Este es el mismo filtro al que tendrán acceso las familias de Latinoamérica. Lo llamamos multiusos, porque puede usarse en diversidad de situaciones. Por ejemplo, puedes adaptarle una bolsa plegable (incluida) o conectarla a una botella con tapon de rosca de 26mm, o usar una pajita reutilizable (incluida) para beber directamente de un río o fuente de agua natural. Además contiene un sistema de retrolabado simple, que alarga considerablemente la vida útil del filtro.

    Son ideales para situaciones en las que tengas que compartir el agua filtrada, salgas con la bici o vayas de camping.

    > 05 Backers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Bottle with purifying filter

    You will be among the first to receive one of our filter bottles, which removes 99.999% of all bacteria, impurities, and microplastics. We will also show your name on our water hero section on the website.

    They are ideal for use on a day-to-day basis and improve the quality of the water you consume (without having to buy single-use water bottles).

    > 79 Backers
  • Contributing $ 86

    Filter Bottle + Tote bag with illustration

    Be the first to receive one of our filter bottles, we will also send you a tote bag so you can take it with you everywhere. We will also show your name on our water hero section on the website.

    > 07 Backers
  • Contributing $ 107

    Workshop "How to organize a social project on your vacation" + Filter bottle + Tote bag

    You will have virtual access to an exclusive Workshop, lasting 2 hours, in which we will teach you how you can organize a social project during your vacation, based on the experience of ESI, the 8-meter plastic whale that we build in Costa Rica. In addition, be the first to receive one of our filter bottles and also get a beautiful tote bag with an exclusive illustration.

    > 02 Backers
  • Contributing $ 268

    Meet the team experience + Filter bottle + Tote bag

    You will have access to a virtual meeting in which we will present the project to you and you will be able to ask whatever you want.

    In addition, be one of the first to receive our filter bottles and also get a beautiful tote bag with an exclusive illustration.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing $ 537

    Filter bottle + tote bag + filter distribution Live!

    We will share the excitement of the filter deliveries through a video call so that you can see our fieldwork live. It will be a call that you will surely remember forever.

    With this generous contribution, you will be also the first to receive one of our filter bottles, we will also send you a tote bag and help you to reduce the single-use of plastic.

    > 01 Backers
  • Contributing $ 1,073

    Take part in the filter distribution in Latin America + filter bottle + tote bag

    With this important donation, we will be able to help many families and we will give you the opportunity to join us during the next distribution of filters in Latin America.

    You will be also one of the first to receive our filter bottles, we will also send you a tote bag and help you to reduce the single-use of plastic and your name will appear on the water hero section on our website

    Note: You would travel with us, and we will support you in everything related to logistics and organizing your trip, however, expenses related to the trip itself are not included.

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing $ 1,073

    For companies: Giveaway water and sustainability

    We will send you a pack with 22 filter bottles, which you can giveaway to your employees, collaborators, acquaintances ... as a social gift, helping them to improve their water consumption by reducing the use of single-use plastic.

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing $ 1,610

    For companies: Water Angel

    Thanks to your contribution we will be able to help many families, so we will record a personalized thank you video for you.

    In addition, we will put your logo in the Water Angels section of our website, in which all the companies that make this project possible will appear.

    > 00 Backers
  • Contributing $ 2,146

    For companies: Water Angel for one year

    In addition to recognizing you as Water Angel on our website, we will put your logo on our shirts for a year and we will mention you regularly in our publications as a real Water Angel.

    > 00 Backers
Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.

¡Arranca la cuenta atrás!

Después de meses a tope consiguiendo toda (vuestra) ayuda para llevar agua potable a familias y comunidades que no tienen acceso, ahora son las ÚLTIMAS HORAS para aportar tu gota al proyecto The Social Water.

Todavía podéis donar lo que sea...

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Our 2nd round in Goteo will be over soon. Click here and follow the last details.

10 días para cerrar campaña y ¡recompensas en camino!

Después de unos días de descanso para recargar pilas, que sin duda hacían falta después de este 2020 que hemos vivido, queremos en primera instancia desearos una buena entrada de año.
Deseamos que este 2021 nos traiga mejores cosas...

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Estas Navidades, regalo doble 💧

Este 2020 ha sido sin dudo un año atípico.
Se acerca la Navidad, unas navidades que sin duda serán desprovistas de todo lo habitual para estas fechas.

Por eso, queremos proponerte regalar también algo diferente: **Regala una donación...

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Los filtros también pueden cambiar tu vida💧

Si has leído algo sobre nosotros, sabrás que nuestro objetivo es llevar agua potable a comunidades que no tienen acceso a este recurso.

Cuando reflexionabamos sobre ''y cómo podemos alcanzar este objetivo?'' teníamos clara una cosa:...

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We made it! Campaign successfully funded in Goteo thanks to lots of people ;)

Cerramos la primera ronda... ¡pero seguimos con una segunda! 💧

Después de 40 días de campaña de crowdfunding, mañana cerramos la primera ronda con el objetivo mínimo superado.

Hemos conseguido hasta el momento 6.955 euros, un 138% del objetivo mínimo. Estamos muy felices de saber que, este importe...

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We are almost there. We need you, they already supported us!

Seguro que conoces el Black friday o el Cyber Monday pero, ¿has oído hablar del Giving Tuesday?

El Giving Tuesday nada tiene que ver con los dos anteriores.
Es un movimiento global que se celebra este año el 1 de diciembre y que quiere incentivar y multiplicar las buenas acciones de las personas.

Surgió en el año 2012, cuando se creó...

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Tic-tac, key minute to support us through Goteo this week. We need you!

We are celebrating! The Social Water is a real project 💧

This Sunday, we managed to reach 100% of the minimum goal. 💧🙌🏼🌏

We are celebrating! We have managed to reach the minimum necessary of € 5,030 to start this project.

Thank you. Thank you for being part of the 116 co-funders of The...

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Among all of us it's possible! Thank you for helping us achieve it with Goteo!
We have received a donation of €500 in the campaign, thank you!
Has it been already 20 days of campaign? Time to remember non monetary contributions.
100% is nearly achieved! We are almost there, thank you!

We started the week with a lot of coffee, we finished it with 89% of the minimum 🙌🏼

Today, at the end of the week, we want to tell you more about the #waterwarriors.
That's how we define ourselves because we really believe in the fight against the water crisis.

This initiative is promoted by a team of more than...

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We are nearly 100, feel like giving it a try and help us reach that?

We start the third week!

They say that Mondays are the hardest day of the week.
For us, at least during the campaign, it is a day of dreams, meetings, doing balance of the week and lots of coffee ☕

We started Monday with 74% of the minimum objective.
And today...

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Now we can see the glass of water half full!

If we look back to our first week, we could say that they’ve been a few days of great enthusiasm for the entire #waterwarriors team.
In one week, we managed to exceed 50% of the goal thanks to all the contributions. Specifically, in the first...

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It's been week now we launched our campaign. Here our reasons (click!).
Getting here has merit: 50% of the funding goal is over!
We need support in Goteo to achieve these goals (click here!)
Here we are! The team behind this campaign and project.
Tramo inicial de recaudación de campaña logrado. ¡Seguimos!
First few donations, thanks! :)
This campaign kicks off!